Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Voyager motorcycle trike kit is the #1 selling convertible trike since 1998 and the only convertible trike kit to be independently tested for strain and stress.  With no permanent modifications to your motorcycle you can take the kit on and off in only minutes.  Get the best of both worlds, two-wheel and trike riding, for less than half the cost of a conventional trike kit.

This video covers the Voyager preload - why it is important and how to reset your preload if you own a Voyager.  This is one of the main reasons the Voyager has blown its competitors out of the water year after year after year.

'Tis the season to be jolly... and stable on snowy road conditions. Have a happy holiday season!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Check out all of the new fender and light combinations for the Voyager Custom and Classic at  

Which style will make your Voyager trike kit and motorcycle look amazing?  All of them, that's why you get to choose.  The Voyager now offers the ability to customize your ride with more choices than ever before.  With the Voyager Custom and Voyager Classic you pick your premium fiberglass fender and can add any light to any fender.  You want to be unique and so does your bike.  Get ready to stick out in a crowd.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Voyager Motorcycle Trike Kit Advantage

We can help you lengthen your riding season and riding life.  Each kit has the same ride as a $35,000.00 conventional motorcycle trike kit.  If you don't believe it or someone is telling you that's false, ride both.  We guarantee you'll be surprised.

The Voyager motorcycle trike conversion kits are top of the line in quality, stability and ride.  These trike kits can fit over 140 different motorcycle models and are the only convertible trike to be independently tested for strain and stress.  We're keeping the wind in your face for the long term.

Check out more on the Voyager trike kit advantages using the following link:

Here's a video of real customer interviews from Daytona, Sturgis and Ottawa:
Check out more videos at the following link: